Readers Club Selections: 2013

دروز بلجراد
Book of Month
دروز بلجراد
By: Rabee Jaber

The Arabic edition of this book was our book of the month in February 2013. After the 1860 Civil War in Mount Lebanon, a number of fighters from the religious Druze community are forced into exile, travelling by sea to the fortress of Belgrade on the boundary of the Ottoman Empir...

موت من أحبوني
Book of Month
موت من أحبوني
By: Aliyya Abdelsalam

a book of poetry by Aliyya Abdelsalam Published by Dar Al-Nahda "...Why did you release the light so your hands dried up Release the river over your mother's face in the morning? Pave the way for the birds to sing around the balconies of the poor For the November leaves...

محمد عبد الوهاب رحلتي
Book of Month
محمد عبد الوهاب رحلتي
By: Farouk Goweida

بعـد رحيل عبد الوهـاب بفـترة قـليلة فاجـأت زوجته الكاتبَ الكبير وصديق عبد الوهاب الشاعر فاروق جويدة بمفاجأة غريبة.. لقد أخبرته أن عبد الوهاب طلب منها قبل رحيله أن تعطيه أوراقه الخاصة، التي كان يكتب فيها خواطره في بعض الأحيان. وكان فاروق جويدة يعرف أن عبد الوهاب يكتب بعض خواطره، ب...

كوكب عنبر
Book of Month
كوكب عنبر
By: Mohammad Rabie

Mohamed Rabie's first novel and winner of Sawiris Cultural Award Competition in 2012 

Secret of the Temple
Book of Month
Secret of the Temple
By: Tharwat Alkharbawy

by Tharwat Elkerbawy the highest ranking leader to ever defect from the Muslim Brotherhood and most authoritative historian on the group.