Metaphysical Reality

Publisher: AAUG Press
Year: 2014

This book challenges mainstream views on the nature and function of philosophy. Philosophy has been trapped in a bad predicament, having been placed in a losing contest with empirical science and in a meaningless context with dogmatic theology. To regain for philosophy her rightful vital role in human life we have to go back to Socrates and Plato. Socrates saw that philosophy has nothing to do with the investigation of the natural world, her sole concern being to make us look inwards to examine our ideas, ideals, and values to understand ourselves. Plato knew that the insight given us by philosophy into our inner reality cannot be encapsulated in definitive formulations but has to be conveyed in ever-renewed parables, metaphors, and myths. Philosophy is more akin to poetry than to science. A genuine philosopher does not seek to attain any objective knowledge of final truth but to philosophize and to live philosophically. The author does not ask the reader to accept the views offered in these essays but to enter into dialogue with these views to develop her or his own position, for the true worth of a philosophical work is to prod the reader to philosophize