A writer, a vision, a journey: a conversation with D-L Nelson

Venue: Online via Zoom

Date: May 22, 2021

Our fifth episode took place on Saturday 22 May. Watch the full video here:

Through this new series of in depth conversations with Arab and international authors, arabworldbooks.com aims to explore the vision, motivation, process, and of course, the outcomes of a writer's journey. These conversations will, hopefully, shed some light on the values and experiences that are common to writers and readers across the world, while taking into account their respective idiosyncrasies and cultural specificities.

We are delighted to have American raised Swiss author D-L Nelson on our fifth episode.

D-L Nelson is the critically acclaimed author of Third-Culture Kid Mysteries and Triple Decker. She lives and works in Geneva, Switzerland and Argelès-sur-mer, France. She holds a creative writing Masters Degree from Glamorgan University in Wales.

The discussion will be conducted in English and moderated by Egyptian novelist Mohamed Tawfik.

Read more about D-L Nelson, her books, and her writing here.

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