Icy Chessboard

AN ICY CHESSBOARD Featured in Arab World Books and ACT Writers' Poetry Evening in Australia


Poetry by Mona Omar

on an icy ivory chess-board

rosy dreams lie.

I tremble, longing

blue bleak swords of wisdom

tame a rebel heart,

into a bronze-black rock

pure profuse pearl drops

crack the rock, leaving

a lifetime's longing


Come Closer Love

Come closer love

Fill my days with sunshine

Shake off the cloak of sadness

Light all the candles

Let me swim in milk and honey

Let me bathe in fire

Cuddle my days

Hold on tight

Never let go


Not My Jar

Potter man

hands so clever

shaping mud

all day round

musical fingers

beautiful jars

giving birth

all day round

one with a handle

one with a smile

your pots come alive

potter man

your shelf so proud, but

i am not your jar

never try to shape my life

potter man