A Selection of Poems by Wallis Wilde-Menozzi

Red Foxes near Cogne

More sinuous
than the icy water foaming
below, the holly-pawed fox

gazed at us
like a planet
with hungry eyes.

Snow danced in its tail.
Its red mate appeared. Bare oaks

The two heads lifted in the wind.
To their left and right coming
winter like a bible.
                           -published in Mississippi Review


As if hearing thunder, far off,
I wake up at three or four,
the dark a musty, breathed up closeness,
and turn my pillow over.

It’s like a voice, or voices,
powerful, carrying convincing waves.
Often there’s even a tomb.
I feel my heart pounding

as if I were living a consumed dream,
the warm
comforter no longer such. Something.
Don’t sleep one minute more.

                             Published in Kenyon Review