THE EGYPTIAN ALTERNATIVE In Search of the Identity of the Egyptian Arabian Bloodlines. (Volume II)

Year: 2012

This book is a clarion call for revolution in the way breeders view, and breed, Egyptian Arabian Horses. in Vol.I Philippe Paraskevas challenged many current notions about breeding & horse showing practices, his primary concern being to safeguard the future of the Egyptian Arabian horse. In this volume he examines in great detail the E.A.O bloodpool- its different strains & sirelines, its antecedents & potential. he delves into the complexities of reading pedigrees, describing strains, sub-strains & horse families as well as the benefits of preservation breeding and outcrossing. this is a breeder's guide to the detailed genealogies of different strains as this writer chooses to read the vertical charts. The author takes a critical look at the effect of the fragmentation of what once was simply the Desert Arabian into a multitude of sub-categories as defined by a variety of associations of breeders. He defines the principles and plan of action required to ensure the rebirth of the Desert Arabian and gives us hope that there is still a way forward. The Publisher

Further Reading