
The Time-Travels of the Man Who Sold Pickles and Sweets
By: Khairy Shalaby

Ibn Shalaby, like many Egyptians, is looking for a job. Yet, unlike most of his fellow citizens, he is prone to sudden dislocations in time. Armed with his trusty briefcase and his Islamic-calendar wristwatch, he bounces...

As Doha Said
By: Bahaa Taher

In Egypt a new era has dawned, but the dawn has taken an ominous turn. President Gamal Abdel Nasser has just proclaimed the first in a series of nationalization decrees, the stock exchange has shut down, and its parking...

نساء في بيتي
By: Hala El-Badry

تسرد بطلة رواية "نساء في بيتي" للكاتبة هالة البدري قصص نساء ارتبطت بهن وجدانيا، من دون أن تلتقيهن في الواقع، وتقول: "لي مع كل واحدة منهن قصة طويلة.. على الحائط لوحة ضخمة رسمتها "جورجيا أوكيف" أم...

Dog Gone: A Lost Pet's Extraordinary Journey and the Family Who Brought Him Home
By: Pauls Toutonghi

The true story of a lost dog’s journey and a family’s furious search to find him before it is too late. October 10, 1998. Fielding Marshall is hiking on the Appalachian Trail. His beloved dog—a six-y...

2 ضباط
By: Essam Youssef

شهوة السلطة القاتلة لمن يمتلك المال، فما بالك بفساد من تأتى إليه الدنيا بالاثنين معًا: المال والسلطة!! "2 ضباط"

Papa Sartre: A Modern Arabic Novel
By: Ali Bader

After a failed study mission in France, Abd al-Rahman returns home to Iraq to launch an existentialist movement akin to that of his hero. Convinced that it falls upon him to introduce his country’s intellectuals to...

Mesopotamian Goddesses: Unveiling Your Feminine Power
By: Weam Namou

Archaeological evidence proves that women in ancient Mesopotamia had great political and religious status during the Garden of Eden period where, once upon a time, goddesses and gods lived harmoniously together. That is...

The Bishop's Curse
By: Raff Ellis

The year was 1860 and while the nation teetered on the brink of the great Civil War, another albeit smaller rebellion had broken into the open in the little town of Carthage, NY. Given the gravity of former, the latter s...

Superman is an Arab
By: Joumana Haddad

This is not a manifesto against men in general. Nor is it a manifesto against Arab men in particular. It is, however, a howl in the face of a particular species of men: the macho species, Supermen, as they like to envisi...

I Killed Scheherazade: Confessions of an Angry Arab Woman
By: Joumana Haddad

Joumana Haddad is angry. She finds the West’s portrayal of Arab women appalling and the image projected by many Middle Eastern women infuriating. “Being an Arab today means you need to be a hypocrite,”...