Wadie Ubaidi


Wadie Ubaidi is an Iraqi poet & critic born in Iraq/Dyala province 1960. He is a poet, novelist, essayist, critic,, translator (Arabic, English, German), BC- economic sciences 1982- Basrah University. 1982- 1991 Military service during both: Iraq/Iran and Kuwait wars. Since end of 1991 lives in exile. He is Austrian citizen, resident in London. His poems appeared in many European Anthologies in German, Spanish, English. First publishing was at 1972 in Iraq- Althoura Daily Newspaper. 1975 First poetry Award from the Iraqi Missan TV. 1988- first lyric- band with title (Home of Love), Baghdad. 1990- (What The Palm Said to Lovers),second lyric- band, Baghdad. 1991- Thoughts Before Travelling, 3rd lyric- band, Baghdad. 1993- Yousif Izzidien- literature study, Cairo. 1998- Iraq's Blocado and Humanitarian Consequences, political study in the Institute of Political Sciences, Salzburg, Austria. 1998- 1999 Publisher & Editer of (As-sari), Quarterly cultural magazine in Arabic & German, Upper Austria. 1999- 2005 Publisher & Editer of (Dhifaf), Quarterly cultural magazine in Arabic & German, Upper Austria. 1999- Gana' el- Awraq Min Adab Abdul- Razzaq- literature Biography, Lyden, Holland. 1999- Sultan El- Kalam, 4th lyric- band, Madrid. 2000- The Song of Dust, 5th lyric- band, Marrakesh, Moroc. 2003- Banned of Satan's Paradise, 6th lyric- band, Mexico. 2003- Decedents of Gilgamesh, Modern Iraqi poets (1980- 2000), Austria. 2004- Iterance In The Past Tense, 7th lyric- band, Cairo. 2006- Zufallig Entkommen, 8th lyric- band, (German), Province Verlag, Munich 2010- The Rise of Elijah, 9th lyric- band, electronic library, www.ahewar. Org. 2012- Sociology of Arab Tribes, electronic library, www.ahewar. Org. 2012- Secularizing of Religion, electronic library, www.ahewar. Org. 2013- Roses of Wisdom's Gardner, 10th lyric- band, Beirut. 2014- Saadi Yousif: Portrait in His 80, literature study, electronic library, www.ahewar. Org. He has several unpublished books and many uncollected articles in the paper press and Internet links. Wadie Ubaidi describes himself as Arab strategic thinker who use all possible kinds of writings to express his thoughts and future sights of Middle East and Arab Nation. In his view: Arab are the only decedents of the old middle east cultures and civilizations from Mesopotamia and Canaan to Egypt valley that contain the somer- Akadian, old Egyptian, chaldo- Asyrian with syrio- Aramaic. An existence of Human Being through the time means his productive cultural identity. We need to work out and maintain our proactive Arabic Identity to stand the international changes and regional challenges. In the exile Arab people need to build and enforce Arab lobby that can effect the international policies and protect Arab strategic interests in the temporary and future, so we can guarantee a worthy future and make advantage of suitable opportunities the next generations. On practical field He insists on working out new positive social and cultural traditions and values to modernize our views and ways of thinking and inter- communicating for the benefit of the whole and general. His principal motto which used in Dhifaf magazine is: There is no creativity possible without freedom, no development without creativity!