Ibrahim Dawood


Ibrahim Daoud
Egyptian poet and journalist.

1989:Taffasil (Details)
1993: Mattarun Khafifun fi'l Kharij (A Drizzle Outside)
1996: Al-Shitaa' Al-Qadim (Next Winter)
1997: Other Details
La Ahadun Huna (No One is Here) The Supreme Council of Culture, 1998:
This collection shares certain stylistic features with the previous ones -- attentiveness
to detail, a preoccupation with the marginal, and an avoidance of rhetorical ornament.
The following lines from "Days Preceding War" are exemplary of Daoud's poetic world:

We stand in front of the cafés/ as if bidding them farewell,/ leaving our lovers,/
deserting intimate places/ and dreams we struggled to fabricate./ Suddenly,/ we laugh
hysterically about naive things/ and stop without reason/ in order that the scene which
repeated itself fifty/ times in those days preceding war would appear -- / sad and mute.