متجر الكتب

Offshoots VI
بقلم: محمد توفيق

A biennial review of prose and poetry published by the Geneva Writers Group. It features works - in English - by 37 writers from 16 countries including stories by two of our member authors Mohamed Tawfik and Jacqueline C...

Quest of Reality
بقلم: داود روفائيل خشبة

 The author describes his work as a personal statement, giving his personal account of wrestling with the questions that have puzzled all thinking humans from the beginning. This personal account is not offered for...

Plato’s Memoirs
بقلم: داود روفائيل خشبة

In line with his fictional Socrates’ Prison Journal (2006), the author makes Plato put off the revision of his last work, the Laws, to write his memoirs, reflections on his life and works. The idea is audacious but...

Hypatia's Lover
بقلم: داود روفائيل خشبة

This is a fictionalized account of the last days of Hypatia’s life, leading to her brutal murder during Lent, 415 AD. The fictional love story is treated allusively, in very light touches, mostly through fleeting r...

Plato: An Interpretation
بقلم: داود روفائيل خشبة

 Softcover. 320 Pages. Our understanding of Plato and our understanding of the nature of philosophy are two sides of a coin. The dominant academic conception of the nature of philosophical thinking vitiates both...

Let Us Philosophize
بقلم: داود روفائيل خشبة

This is a revised edition of a book that first appeared in 1998. The author has since published three other books, yet “Let Us Philosophize” remained the one that gives the author’s philosophy as an int...

الحب على الطريقة العربية
بقلم: ريم بسيوني

الطبعة الثانية 2016 "لا تدري كيف ولا لماذا بدأت تقبل رقبته قبلات متناثرة، فأمسك برأسها وقبلها في لهفة... بالأمس لقنها درسًا لن تنساه. كانت كشعب يحكمه طاغية ساحر ومحبوب يعذب الشعب، وينفي الشعب، ويسيل دم الشعب، ويه...

ساق البامبو
بقلم: سعود السنعوسي

سعود السنعوسي الدار العربية للعلوم 2012 الرواية الحائزة على البوكر العربية في الأدب لعام 2013

بقلم: يوسف زيدان

تدور أحداث الرواية في القرن الخامس الميلادي ما بين صعيد مصر والإسكندرية وشمال سوريا، عقب تبني الإمبراطورية الرومانية للدين المسيحي، وما تلا ذلك من صراع مذهبي داخلي بين آباء الكنيسة من جهة، والمؤمنين الجدد والوثنية المترا...

ثلاثية شيكاغو
بقلم: محمود سعيد

a three volume book by Iraqi Novelist Mahmoud Saeed Published in Arabic by Dar Afaq 2008. The book was featured as book of the month in August 2014 His books in English include: Saddam City, Ben Barka Lane and A Portal i...