ماريز شويلا


Maryse Schouella, (maiden name Ebbo), was born in Alexandria, Egypt, daughter of Albert Elie Ebbo, deceased in Paris, France in March 1959 and Yvonne Sassoon Ebbo, deceased in São Paulo in June 1994.

Since I was five years old until 17 years old, I attended an English School in Alexandria, Egypt, where I have obtained the General Certificate of Education of the Oxford and Cambridge Schools in English Literature and British and European History as well as French. English has always been quite beneficial for me as it has enabled me to work as a freelancer and teaching English/French and also translating., These activities have always been very enriching for me in learning how to cope with human-beings, whose apprenticeship is most inspiring and moving.

I have published several articles in magazines provoking my Self-Assurance as a human-being., I had a very critical/rigid education and through a long-term Therapy, it has enabled me to discover myself and allowed me conquer my own space in doing what I thoroughly enjoy: thence writing is a distinctive/respectful way to communicate without bothering or upsetting the other. Its' a clear expression bringing food for thought.

The following/authentic quote has drawn my attention: "Nobody is faithful to no one just to ourselves., Each human-being is his real friend and also his own family".,

Works published:

1. Tratamento de disturbios de aprendizagem., R.E. Vallett - Editora Pedagogica e Universitaria de SP - Tradu�ão feita pela Maryse Schouella, junto com � equipe do Leopoldo de Oliveira.,
2. Mental Retardation - 1978,
3. Dany, minha filha, � d�ficiente mental, revista claudia, editora abril, junho 1978,
4. Educa�ão - Gazeta da Lapa - 1979,
5. A Conforma�ão - Julho 1983 - Sesc - Vila Dr. Nova,
6. Private Teaching - September 1992 - extract,
7. A vida nós ensina - jornal da maioridade - outubro 1995,
8. Para suavizar � linguagem - jornal da maioridade - dezembro 1995,
9. The Mental Health Observer - Autumn 1997 - The story of Dany,
10. The Story of Dany - Deventer - Holland 1998,
11. A estoria da Dany - dezembro de 1998 - Lemos Editorial - Revista Insight,
12. Raising a handicapped child - Forum - Revista da Sociedade Americana de SP - September 1999,
13. Idioms - News and views for EFL Teachers - "Teaching" - June 1999,
14. Idioms - News and views for EFL Teachers - "Compliments and Insults" - December 1999,
15. Relationships - Village News - May 1990 - May 16th 1990,

Participated in the following Anthologies:

16. Apaixonadamente - Ca�a-Talentos - Paginas 40-41,
17. Oficina Mais Prosa Ainda - Rio de Janeiro, Pagina 52/53,
18. Antologia Vozes de Amor - Paginas 78/79,
19. Antologias Po�tica/Poemas e Pensamentos, Paginas 24/25,