Nagwa Shaaban


Her novel “Al Karm Gale ” was our book club selection for August 2004.
You can find more information on Nagwa Shaaban on the book's page.

Nagwa Shaaban passed away in September 2019.
The following bio is kept unedited as was received from the author  :

Cultural editor at Middle East News Agency

She completed two different studies in visual arts in the US in 1993, the first about “African - Americans’ taste of visual arts” at Jackson State University and “American women painters in 1980’s and early 1990’s” at Mass Communications Faculty, Boston University.

Shaaban writes many reviews and articles on works of fiction and the visual arts

She also translates from English into Arabic in a variety of fields such as; Anthropology, Psychology, Policy, Sociology, visual arts and History

Published work :

1. One short stories collection "Maze’s Queues" - 1995
issued from “Dar Al - Thakafa Al - Gadida “Cairo, Egypt
One story from this collection “Watafah” has been translated into Italian in a book “Rose Del Cairo”.

2. Her first novel "The Coot" or in Arabic "Al- Gharry"
was awarded a prize by “ Sharjah Women Club” in a competition of “ Arab women creations in literature “1998 in the United Arab Emirates
The novel was published by “ Al Dar Al - Masryia Al - Lobnania “, Cairo ,Egypt

3. Her second novel “Al - Karm Gale” or "Nawat Al - Karm"
was first published in 2002 by “Dar Merit for Publishing” in Cairo, the second edition 2003 was published in “The Family Library” program